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Friday, February 26, 2010

Andrew Koenig's most amazing role

By now you've no doubt heard about actor Andrew Koenig, who was found dead in a park in Vancouver, Canada several hours ago.

Most people remember Koenig (son of Walter Koenig who played Pavel Chekov on Star Trek) as "Boner", the best friend of Kirk Cameron's Mike Seaver on Growing Pains. But a few years ago there was a film that Andrew Koenig appeared in, and played no small part. Indeed, for the many of us who have seen this we can't but be astonished at the incredible power and potential that Koenig had as an actor. It was definitely a sign that he was going to go far. I've even heard some say that Koenig's portrayal of the Joker is the most faithful take on the character in cinema history.

So in memory of Andrew Koenig, here is Batman: Dead End...


Anonymous said...

The first time I saw Batman: Dead End, my reaction to when one of the Xenomorphs took Joker was literally "WTH!?" Dead End is definitely one of my favorite fan productions. I was hoping everything would turn out fine with Andrew, but that sadly didn't happen. I actually have his father's autograph.

-Drew M.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! Andrew was a very talented and compassionate individual… He seemed to have so much going for him, but I understand he couldn't see that with the severe depression he was suffering from. I miss you already Andrew…

Anonymous said...

I'm really conflicted about how I feel about all this. On the one hand, as a person who deals with depression (albeit not severe), I feel a certain amount of empathy for what Andrew was going through. On the other hand, did it cross his mind what his suicide would do to those who care most for him? I guess we don't know. It's a tragic pity that he was driven to that point.

I should say that I'm a loyal listener to Never Not Funny, the podcast that of which Andrew (or AK47 as they called him) was a part. I heard his voice each week, and enjoyed the bit of him that we'd hear. It pains me to think of what Jimmy Pardo, Danielle Koenig, Matt Belknap, and the others connected to that podcast are going through right now.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I hope that something good that could come of this might be that someone who is experiencing depression will seek and get the help they need.