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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Trying to articulate something...

...and my anger and disbelief at what I am watching right now in this country, just won't let me be as mercurial a wordsmith as some have alleged me to be.

So I'm going to relent to brute-force attack.

Regarding how President Obama is trying to force Catholic hospitals and other institutions to fund birth control, against that faith's beliefs and teachings:

If this isn't a situation that demands civil disobedience and even flagrant lawbreaking against the government, then I don't know what possibly WOULD be!

I try my best not to judge the spiritual state of another. For the first time, I am inclined to be compelled to wonder about that of Barack Obama. How can anyone of conscience even conceive of mandating such a thing?


Anonymous said...

Belief in "Bronze Age" sky gods is ridiculous. Wake up America!

Anonymous said...

And there's no point in trying to clean the blanket after it's soiled.

Anonymous said...

If you are that angry over an obvious election-year generated issue, you are a patsy. Those rules are already in effect in 28 states by state law. If you don't want to observe equal benefits for all religious (or non-religious) employees, just don't take Federal money. All this "attack on religion" dialogue is election-year bullshit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The President's handling of this situation has revealed in a big way that he is really a CINO- Christian In Name Only. Which, of course, anyone who has followed him and paid any attention to his voting habits, statements, and associates, would know.

Unfortunately, legion of allegedly Christian voters ignored these facts and cast their vote for this man.


Anonymous said...

You realize this doesn't apply to churches don't you ? Just to public institutions. Do you advocate Jewish hospitals and universities not allow their employees to purchase pork? I realize you don't like Obama .... that's fine, but this religious persecution crap is lame.

Sylvia said...

Catholic operated hospitals are still church institutions. If employees want to purchase contraceptives,and are not Catholic fine but don't make the Catholic church do it against its beliefs!

Anonymous said...

The irony of all this muck is 98% of Catholic women of child-bearing age use contraception (millions and millions of people). Only Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, the Pope and higher order church representatives (all men), Chris Knight, Republicans running for President, and a few kooks are opposed to the idea of paying for contraception.

Anonymous said...

What's interesting about this particular rant is what "civil disobedience and even flagrant lawbreaking" would you suggest to protest the regulation? Should we bomb the rubber factory? Do some wiki leaks of sensitive Massengill e-mails ? Just give us the instructions and I'm there man. My seed shall not touch the ground.

Anonymous said...

I'm incensed the government won't allow me to ride one of those little cars down the hall in the Shriner Hospital. Fez persecution.