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Monday, March 28, 2022

Lenten Blogging 2022: Day 27

Day 27 of writing a blog post each day during Lent!  It's now well past the halfway mark.  It's also significant because 27 is my lucky number.  I appropriated it from "Weird Al" Yankovic but strangely enough 27 has shown up a LOT in my life.

Today, I did nothing.  Couldn't get to work 'cuz the dog and I were both under the weather (I had no idea fried chicken could carry cholera, or that's what it felt like).  So I don't have much to offer but since we've mentioned Weird Al, here's one of his greatest ever music videos: "Amish Paradise"!

Speaking of "Weird Al" Yankovic, next month he kicks off his "The Unfortunate Return of the Ridiculous Self-Indulgent Ill-Advised Vanity Tour".  And best friend Ed has secured us some tickets.  This tour will be like the previous vanity tour: no straight-up song parodies, mostly the lesser-known songs from Al's mammoth repertoire.  So there won't be "Amish Paradise" but there may be "Craigslist" and "Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota".  Want to see Al perform?  Mash down here!


Anonymous said...

Love me some Weird Al. I'm going to go to his show in Louisville on Aug 27. Thanks for the link!