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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bush kept cancer patients from getting chemo?!?

Unbelievable, but apparently true.

Someone is probably going to jump flunky on me for posting this though, likely tell me something like "Bush was there to boost patients's morale" or something.


Pandora Wilde said...

No, Bush was there to stroke his public image, and once again failed miserably. Putting lives of sick people on hold bites. The whole thing was ridiculous.

Chris Knight said...

Between this and what his mother said yesterday, I can't help but wonder if this family is sympathetic for any other human begin, at all.

And I really hate to believe that. They're coming across as a whole clan of jackals.

Anonymous said...

"Someone is probably going to jump flunky on me for posting this though, likely tell me something like "Bush was there to boost patients's morale" or something."

No, this someone is going to jump on you for posting, and believing in, a bogus story. Again.

http://www-nmcsd.med.navy.mil/ne...ew.cfm? nrid=133

Good Story, looks like he didnt leave before meeting the sailors and granting citizenship to one sailor. Way to go guys on your reporting.

And "Raw Story" (a left wing partisan source: "The Raw Story is a liberal alternative to the Drudge report"...from their about page), not having a single named source to back up it's report is really cute.

Their excuse: "None were willing to go on record by name for fear of retaliation, such as loss of jobs or revocation of healthcare privileges."

They're really full of it. They could find people to go on record, but only the ones who told them what they didnt want to hear. Doing a google search on the author of the raw story article reveals alot:

"Miriam Raftery, San Diego liberal activist extraordinaire"


The article constantly contradicts itself.

"Hundreds of patient visits were cancelled as a result, she said. Patients and staff at the Naval Medical Center voiced concern (and raw story cannot name one) over the shut-down of non-critical patient care services for a photo op that never even materialized."

And yet:

""They closed everything down just so he [Bush] could have his photo op in the lobby with the corpsmen."

WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL?????????? Did the photo op talke place or not? Was non-critical patient care services shut down or was "everything" closed down? And does chemo therapy classify as critical or non-critical?

"Why no media was allowed inside the hospital to film the President--and why plans for the carefully orchestrated photo op were abandoned at the last moment--remain unknown."

How could it have been a photo op if the media was not to be allowed inside the hospital?

This part I can believe: ""remaining military personnel were told to show up looking very spiffy, to appear in the auditorium and to remember that they will be on film," one hospital insider told RAW STORY. "In other words, 'If you want a career, and not to be sent to Iraq, cheer like hell.'""

How many of us have been on a job site. We do things on the job the way we're used to, but then one day you're told that the owner or big brass of your operation is going to show up to your job site on a certain day? Suddenly, everyone starts to wear a tie and slacks for that particular day. Everyone gets groomed to perfection, even though they weren't told to go that far to make a good impression. Happens on my job site everytime the big boss makes his visit. And yet, it wasn't done by the orders of the big boss. Rather, everyone is told to be on their toes by their supervisors. To make a good impression. So I can see how people were ordered by their supervisors (and not the President) to show up looking their best.

Here's an idea. How about contacting the hospital yourself:


And find out what really happened on that day and why. Were people's appointments changed? Including Chemo patients? If so, why?

There's a pretty good chance that Miriam the liberal made alot of this up.

Chris Knight said...

Your link doesn't work. I've no idea what point it is you are trying to make here.

I don't know who this Miriam girl is. But I've seen this story cited two or three times since yesterday that didn't point to the Raw Story link. It's not at all inconceivable that this could have happened. Given that rescue workers were delayed from getting to people last week during Bush's first visit to New Orleans, I could readily believe this.

Anonymous said...

"Your link doesn't work. I've no idea what point it is you are trying to make here."

Sorry about that, but sometimes I too have trouble with the "about.com" links. Sometimes they work for me, sometimes they don't. The website is filled with pop ups and such. What point I was trying to make is that the author has an anti-Bush axe to grind and it wouldnt be the first time I've caught a liberal author in a bunch of lies.

"I don't know who this Miriam girl is. But I've seen this story cited two or three times since yesterday that didn't point to the Raw Story link."

Then it must be true? I can find not three, but thousands of links on the Lovenstein Institute Presidential IQ report. That doesnt make it true.

"It's not at all inconceivable that this could have happened. Given that rescue workers were delayed from getting to people last week during Bush's first visit to New Orleans,"

Gov. Kathleen Blanco's Bureaucrats Blocked Food and Water

Political Issues Snarled Plans for Troop Aid (Blanco: "Nobody told me that I had to request that")

State Rebuffed Security Bid to Put Louisiana Troops Under U.S. Command Amid New Orleans Chaos

Louisiana blocked Red Cross Relief trucks were positioned to assist Superdome evacuees

Major Garrett new blockbuster----Salvation Army efforts at supplying the evacuees BLOCKED.
"Garrett got confirmation --on camera-- of the Louisian State department of Homeland Security's blocking of the delivery of relief supplies to the Superdome and the Convention Center. "


Red Cross: State rebuffed relief efforts

Who's to Blame for Delayed Response to Katrina? (Blanco says most of blame is Nagin's)

Hurricane Katrina: Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans?
"Acess to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders. The state Homeland Security Department had requested--and continues to request--that the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans following the hurricane"


Blanco refused to allow Red Cross and FEMA to bring food and water to Stadium


Yeah...Bush's fault. Uh huh.

Chris Knight said...

"Blanco refused to allow Red Cross and FEMA to bring food and water to Stadium"

Ummm... I've already touched on this. Quite a lot. You're implying that I've been consciously overlooking this. I've blasted the local authorities far more than I have the ones at the federal level.

Now who's the one making accusations?

Not that I've come to expect much more than that from Bush-bots. You really are a pretty sad group of people, attacking anyone who dares dissent from Dear Leader. Are you even a real individual?

By the way, you don't earn much merit in my book if you still go by that tired old "liberal versus conservative" game. It shows you're a pretty shallow person intellectually. Why don't you think for yourself for a change, instead of relying on talking points from your party leaders?