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Monday, July 03, 2006

Ain't It Cool News is ten years old!

Ten years ago today, an Austin, Texas cinephile named Harry Knowles officially launched Ain't It Cool News. Say what you will of that site be you fan or detractor, it has more than made its mark on popular culture in the past deci-century. From the very beginning - heck I was there when Harry posted those pics from the Star Wars Special Editions on a plain blank page in March of '96 - this has been one of my very most visited websites. Spend some time on AICN and you not only learn a lot about the movies, but you learn how they are really made, with all the plots and intricacies that go on behind the scenes. In some ways Knowles and his gang have been the best film school you could possibly find for the price they're offering. Anyways, happy birthday Ain't It Cool News, and many happy returns!!