Saturday, July 22, 2006
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» Weird Al's coming STRAIGHT OUTTA LYNWOOD on September 26
Weird Al's coming STRAIGHT OUTTA LYNWOOD on September 26
After a week of tantalizing teasers, yesterday "Weird Al" Yankovic revealed the title and full cover artwork for his newest album. Straight Outta Lynwood arrives in stores on September 26th. Here's what it'll look like:
Maybe it's just me, but this title and cover seems to be a lot more "serious" than the typical Al album. Guess I was expecting something along the lines of the covers for Bad Hair Day or Running With Scissors. But whatever it is he's got on this new album, you can be sure that I will be buying it on September 26th!

I too am VERY curious to hear this new album, especially after hearing "You're Pitiful". The song is a little more edgy than we're usually get from all.
Here's to 9/26!
"from AL."
Sigh. Phil can't spell tonight.
Al's definitely gotten bolder/more edgy with his past few albums. "Wanna B Ur Lover" on his last one was downright risque: "I wanna be your Krakatoa, let my lava flow all over you..." saywhu??
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