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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Worst hypocrisy I've seen from the Bush White House in a very long time

U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told the Iraqi government that he was visiting that country to do "what we can ... to help promote the rule of law and also help promote security in this country."


Attorney General Gonzales is doing nothing about upholding the rule of law in this country, the United States of America. Why should we believe that he and the rest of this administration are going to do any better by Iraq?

And "promote security"...?! This from the man who is instrumental in letting thousands of illegals cross into America daily.

Sometimes I have to wonder if the Bush Administration might actually be trying to actively destroy American sovereignty. Either they are ignoring our own problems by outright design, or they really are the most incompetent administration to ever occupy the White House.

(The more I see this kind of stuff happening, the more I'm starting to long for the Clinton years as the "good old days".)


Anonymous said...

"And "promote security"...?! This from the man who is instrumental in letting thousands of illegals cross into America daily."

This'll make you burn:

Mexican flag flies at U.S. post office


Something's wrong with immigration protests (account of Maywood counterprotest)


"the more I'm starting to long for the Clinton years as the "good old days"."

Now, now. Lets not get hysterical here. :-) You're a candidate for public office, for Gods sake. Lets not come off as another loose cannon like Howard Dean, Ross Perot, or John McCain.

Chris Knight said...

The thing of it when the Bush administration was sworn in we were promised that "the adults were taking over". So far the only thing that really differentiates Bush from Clinton on the positive side of things is that Bush seems to be able to keep his fly zipped a lot more. And that's about it. No other president before Bush has done so much to sell out our national sovereignty... not even Clinton.

The fact that the Mexican flag was allowed to fly over the post office shows just how much this country has lost it... no thanks to Bush and Gonzales and Rove and the rest of this La Raza-loving ilk.