100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Monday, June 25, 2007

So now I've joined the mob on Facebook ...

Yegads, that place is even creepier than Myspace! Don't know how much time I'll ever spend on there but if you can find me on there, give me a holler.


bmovies said...

"So now I've joined the mob on Facebook ..."

So what does that make me? Luca Brasi or Tom Hagen? :-)

Chris Knight said...

Hmmmm... I'd have to say you'd be either Tom Hagen or Pete Clemenza. The stuff you've done with the Nigerian scammers is definitely Clemenza-level cunning :-)

Anonymous said...

Clemenza? Good. I like Clemenza. As long as I'm not Fredo. :-)