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Thursday, November 01, 2007

This so-called "sabbatical"

Guess I couldn't stop blogging after all :-P

Actually, I am still taking a break from "serious" blogging right now. It's only when there's been "cool" stuff to report on - like the Ron Paul and Ron Price Jack-o'-Lanterns - that I've broken in to post about, 'cuz it wouldn't make much sense to show you pictures of them in February, would it? And there's nothing really wrong with doing that.

But the rest of my energies really are being focused on some other projects right now. That's why you won't be seeing any "heavy" essays from this end anytime soon. It's all too easy to write about a pumpkin with Ron Price's mug carved in it. Incidentally, last night we got a lot of trick-or-treaters who are in the Rockingham schools, and they both admired the work that went into the Ron Price Jack-o'-Lantern, and booed and hissed at it 'cuz this is the man who most tried to impose school uniforms on them.

But so far as more head-heavy stuff goes: that's work that I'm pouring into some other things right now.

Maybe in another month or two, I'll be able to return to fresh content like that. In the meantime, I am enjoying being liberated from more intense, regular blogging. And by posting the fun stuff, I can keep it viable too :-)


Anonymous said...

CHRIS! I'm so sorry I missed the jack-o-lantern in person. Although, I felt it's evil glow from down the street. I can't believe we live right next to each other .. technically, we're neighbors!

Omnifrog said...

"Guess I couldn't stop blogging after all :-P"

Ha! Told you

Anonymous said...

what did you and Lisa do for Halloween?

Chris Knight said...

Stayed here and handed out a wazoo-load of candy. I'll be posting some pictures on my (fairly) new Flickr account soon, that shows what Lisa did when they wore costumes at school :-)

Anonymous said...

No sabbatical! We want something else!