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Thursday, January 24, 2008

So... what are YOU going to do with your free $600 from the federal government?

The $600 per individual and $1200 per couple that President Bush and Congress are going to give everyone in the country so that we'll forget how much they've FUBAR-ed our economy.

I know what I'm going to do with mine...

I'm going to buy a gun. And ammo. Lots and lots of ammo.

The way things are going lately, that's probably going to become a very wise investment in the short term.


qemuel said...

Ditto on that one, my friend.

Chris Knight said...

There's something that I've been thinking of mentioning here for awhile, but for various reasons I've put off doing it.

I'm going to talk about it here, instead of making a separate post about it.

Here goes: I *do* believe that things have become very bad in America, and we haven't seen the worst of it by far.

I believe that there is hope. There is always hope. Unfortunately what I know of human nature does not lend itself toward believing that this hope is anything but a chasing after the wind.

So for what it's worth, for whoever's interested, here's the thing...

If and when the proverbial fecal matter makes high-velocity contact with the air-conducting device, if the situation goes past the point of no return and complete collapse is imminent... and if you SERIOUSLY want to know that it is time to absolutely consider arming yourself for the worst...

...then I will communicate that to whoever might be reading this blog.

How? I'm going to make a post. It will have no title. It will have no text at all. All that it will be, is a single image. I know exactly what image it will be, too. All I'll say for now is that it's a painting.

When you see that painting - and believe me, you WILL know it when you see it - then that's my signal to my readers that, however it is that wisdom directs you, you should brace yourself for the worst of times.

Lord willing, I'll die a natural death after a long happy life and I won't hav to use that image. But I'm kind of doubting that I'll be so lucky :-(

Anonymous said...

I'll be looking for that post. And here here to arming oneself ... one's elf ... one's self. I've been pricing guns and ammunition, too ... Bring it on. Just try to take my Bible from me.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is not free money. After all, they already take 30% of your pay as it is. They are just returning a minute portion of what they have already taken from us. Want to impress me? Reduce taxes more, and stay out of my personal life. And to think, that the Boston Tea Party was over a 1/10 of 1% tax! How FAR we have fallen....

Hate to say this, $600 isnt going to buy you too much ammo if you buy a gun too. The GWOT has caused ammo prices to climb considerably. And, I recommend purchasing a quality firearm, so that $600 alone can go for just a gun.

Ahhh, for the old days when a Colt Peacemaker went for a whopping $30, or a Thompson .45 SMG could be had for about $200. Sigh...

Lee Shelton said...

I'm going to save it rather than spend it and see if I can single-handedly bring this economy to its knees. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to use it to pay my taxes.