This may be the greatest trailer for a comic book movie ever. I've never seen two and a half minutes of live footage so perfectly capture the tone and essence of a graphic novel.
Not much more to say about it, other than click here for the new The Dark Knight trailer.
Thanks to Phillip Arthur for the heads-up!
EDIT 1:10 p.m. EST: I would never have believed it, but they actually put Harvey Dent after his transformation into Two-Face in this trailer. You see it at 2:03 into the thing. Here's a pic...
You can barely see some grisly scarring on the left side of his face, and looks like his suit is radically different on that side also.
A bit OT. Get a look at this thing:
R2-D2 DVD Projector Limited Edition - updated home theatre is utterly lust worthy
It ain't life-sized though. And the lumens are way too dim. Otherwise though, cool gadget :-)
I can't wait for The Dark Knight to come out. I've been looking forward to it ever since, they announced they were making a sequel. And the summer movie season got a great start with Iron Man. But technically for me the summer movie season got to a great start in January when Rambo came out. lol.
By the way: I'm surprised you missed the Scarecrow in the trailer.
Awright man, I've torn this trailer completely apart, and I can't find Scarecrow anywhere.
Or maybe I'm just half-blind, having been working on two videos all night. Perhaps that's it. You're not kidding, Scarecrow is in this??
This movie is going to be absolutely, epically awesome! and I too must have missed Scarecrow in the trailer. I've watched it four times, and I can't see it.
epically is not a word... but all well. It is now, and it's definition is as follows: adj. used to describe the awesomeness that will be The Dark Knight. LOL
Scarecrow is in the van that Batman crashes onto.
Hmmm... I dunno. Looks like it could be one of the Joker's masked henchmen that we've seen lots of pics of. I see where it *could* be Scarecrow too though.
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