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Thursday, November 13, 2008

The second WATCHMEN trailer!

It's gonna be so weird to finally see the movie adaptation of Watchmen. Ever since this blog's beginning I've been writing about the efforts to get this film made, and usually it's to share some pessimism about whether it could be done right... or at least done at all. Like yesterday evening I conveyed some concern about Zack Snyder's admitting that the ending of Watchmen, which he's directed, is going to be different from the book.

Funny how things can change in just twenty-four hours.

Yahoo! Movies has the second trailer for Watchmen (including high-def Quicktime). And if there's a single shot in this that's not in the graphic novel, I'm not seeing it...

Okay, I'll say that I again have faith in Snyder. That I believe he will indeed pull off the impossible, regardless of whether the squid is in there. Tonally, this looks completely right. Rorschach's voice is exactly as I imagined it would be when I first read the book in 1990. But the thing I keep thinking about most from this trailer is Jon's voice: Billy Crudup is evoking the right kind of disaffection for a god no longer interested in the world around him. And then his scream of "LEAVE ME ALONE!"...

Think I might have to see Quantum of Solace this weekend, to catch this trailer on the big screen (well also 'cuz I liked Casino Royale too :-)


Anonymous said...

A little off topic, but did you ever end up reviewing "The Dark Knight", Chris? I was really looking forward to reading your take on that.

Chris Knight said...

Real-life events kept me from writing it and giving it the full thought that I believed it deserved, JP. But when the DVD comes out next month and I get plenty of chance to ruminate on it, I'll finally do a review then :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm reading the book now and I'm confused. How is "Ozymandias" pronounced?

Anonymous said...

I always did it as such:

(OSY - MAN - DI - IS)

Note that is a soft s in OSY.

Anonymous said...

This movie looks amazing!!!

qemuel said...


Chris Knight said...

When I first read Watchmen I pronounced it "OZ-ee-man-dee-us"

That's how I've heard it pronounced by many others over the years but I've also heard it said this way too...


Or even...

"OZ-mon-dis" (with VERY faint enunciation of the "y" and "a" at the end).

Just one more reason to look forward to the movie: it'll be the most pop-culturish exposure for that weird word ever so SOMEONE is bound to figure out how to speak it righ, yah? :-P

If it's "OZ-mon-dis" I'd be cool with that. It sounds more "divine" for some reason...