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Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama says the U.S. government will back your car warranty

The words I never, ever thought I'd hear a President of the United States tell the country...
"Your warranty will be safe. In fact, it will be safer than it's ever been, because starting today, the United States government will stand behind your warranty."

-- President Barack Obama

And you thought "womb to the tomb" policies were bad. Now the federal government has got your car covered bumper to bumper.

And Obama's firing the head of General Motors apparently didn't take well with the markets today: they were down all over, including the Dow at -254 points.


Anonymous said...

Possibly you should show up in Detroit with your little Star Wars suit. That should set everything right.

Chris Knight said...

Funny how that snide comment seems to have come from "the cult".

And according to the official record, I won a real battle in that "Star Wars suit": one that saved several hundred families a lot of money.

I don't mind being known for that :-P