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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Cult driven out of Reidsville as Johnny Robertson gets caught in a lie (and the "Church of Christ" digs for dirt... literally)

Many people have told me that on Sunday night's television broadcast of What Does The Bible Say? on WGSR - or as I call it "The Martinsville Taliban Show" - local cult leader Johnny Robertson of the "Martinsville Church of Christ" claimed that there are now four robust congregations of the "Church of Christ" (which is nothing like the mainstream Churches of Christ) meeting in this area. Those would be his own Martinsville group, one at the old post office on The Boulevard in Eden, the one that has been coming together in Reidsville at the Holiday Inn Express, and a group meeting in Ruffin.

Robertson alleged that the Ruffin "Church of Christ" had been meeting for "over a year" (his words).

Curiously, the July 5th 2009 broadcast of What Does The Bible Say? on WGSR was the very first time that Robertson or anyone else with the "Church of Christ" has mentioned a group of their own in Ruffin.

Now some very intriguing information has come to light, the upshot of which a rational person could only possibly take to mean that, once again, Johnny Robertson is telling us a bald-faced lie.

It turns out that there are only three congregations of the "Church of Christ" that are currently meeting in the area... and maybe not even that many!

James Oldfield, previously of the Reidsville congregation, is conducting the services for the cult in Eden. Robertson is still in Martinsville. There has been thus far no evidence that a Ruffin cell of the cult is meeting at all...

...and the Reidsville congregation is now completely defunct! Sources have told this blogger that "This meeting is no longer being held, nor is any meeting of their group being held in Reidsville." The reason? "This would seem to say that folks in Reidsville are too wise for the tactics of this group, and have rejected participation in this 'sect'."

So Reidsville has proven too much for Robertson's cult. Let us pray that other communities in this area - and wherever else they try to harass - will prove too much for them also.

Meanwhile, other sources have been telling me that the cult's much-ballyhooed two weeks of "tent service" in Danville and the accompanying thirty hours of television airtime that Robertson purchased on WGSR has been "a bust and a sham". In spite of what Robertson and Oldfield publicly claimed was a large outreach in the Danville area, very few people showed up during nightly services at the tent (and Robertson himself did "little or none at all" knocking on doors, choosing to order his goons out instead). I can say that The Knight Shift blog is in possession of numerous photographs that attest to the low turnout at the "Church of Christ" tent but as these might well identify the person who took the photos, I have been asked to withhold publishing them here.

I haven't seen the footage, but several people have told me that during Sunday night's broadcast Robertson aired a tape of himself accosting the wife of some local minister in the parking lot of the Wal-Mart in Martinsville. Robertson alleged that he "just happened" to see her in the parking lot and coincidentally had his camcorder with him... which the same people have told me that it was pretty obvious that Robertson was stalking the lady (as is his well-documented custom).

Now for the last bit of info for this report...

Folks, I didn't believe it at first, but plenty of people have been telling me about it and now The Knight Shift can confirm: Johnny Robertson's "Church of Christ" has been caught digging through the trash cans of people Robertson has decreed to be "enemies" of his cult! They are literally trying to "dig up dirt" that they can use against those they are actively seeking to, as Robertson infamously proclaimed last year, "defeat destroy".

I've read the Bible quite a number of times, but for the life of me I can't recall any passage that teaches us to go through others' garbage in order to attack them.

(But then again, Johnny Robertson also claimed recently that he needs a camcorder because he doesn't have the Holy Spirit... whatever that is supposed to mean.)

The lesser angels of my nature are more than inclined to note that should any member of the cult come to my home and attempt to behave in their typical miscreant fashion, that I will not only shoot him dead, but I will gladly and immediately post full color photographs of his freshly-deceased corpse on this blog. As a warning to the next ten generations that it is the right of each person to seek God as best he or she can understand Him and without fear of harassment.

That's just the lesser angels of my nature though...


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paden said...

look anybody who says the chruch of Christ is wrong for not kissing each other is a hypocrit because thay would be under the same law.the fact is that it is simply saying to greet and that was the custom back then.today a hug or hand shake represents the same thing.

paden said...

to anonamouse who called me paladin.no penut butter in worship would be wrong being used with the lords supper.now in the aspect of when the preacher is preaching.i see nothing wrong with chewing on something or munching on something jsut as long as it is not apart of the worship and isnt a distraction for others.but the fact is for adults they should be able to have an atention span long enough to listen to somebody for around 30minuts.if you have any questions please ask.

Anonymous said...

Chris just come out and say that you think the world is better off with Johnny and Charles dead. I certainly think so. Charles doesn't care if he hurts innocent people and Johnny is a cult homicide/suicide waiting to happen. If my house catches fire and Charles shows up he'll have 3 seconds and then I'm blowing his head off and if Johnny comes to my house I'm not even counting he's going to die. Protect your homes your loved ones and your privacy people. Bastards like Johnny and Charles do not have to run roughshod over you.

paden said...

all johny does is attack false error on his show. he does not bring physical harm or try to hurt the person just the error.he trying to show people the truth but i guess it makes yall rely mad.if yall are so right and johny os so wrong just debate him.aparnetky yall think yall could win.that would be the most devestating blow to expose him in his doctrine.so whats holding you back.are you scared.

bondservant said...

paden said: Your claim that Cornelius the Gentile was saved before water baptism is inconsistent with the text of Acts 10 and 11. You've left out some important facts, friend. Please reread it again and answer this:

(a) An angel told Cornelius that Peter "will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved." (Acts 11:13-14). The angel said Simon Peter will "tell you what you must do." (Acts 10:6). Cornelius and his household were ready to hear Peter's commands (Acts 10:33).
(b) The only thing Peter commanded them to do was to be baptized. (Acts 2:47-48).
(c) Therefore, when Cornelius did what Peter said and was baptized, he was saved.


Peter did tell them what they must do, Peter told them they have to believe in Jesus to receive remission of sins (Acts 10:43), after they were saved Peter commanded them to be baptized with water.

paden said: Peter said, "And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them...." (Acts 11:15). According to the apostle, the Spirit came on the Gentiles at the beginning of his sermon. This was before he finished providing proofs that Jesus is Lord. This was before Cornelius and company came to believe in Jesus. Notice that Peter doesn't mention belief in Jesus until the very end of the sermon:


Paden tries to say Peter had not yet told Cornelius’ household to believe in Jesus, paden has Peter baptizing non-believers who have not heard the gospel??

Paden wants to erase what Peter did say to Cornelius and his household, paden is going so far as to erase verses from the Bible to try to make it fit his dogma.

bondservant said...

paden said:
Your claim that Cornelius the Gentile was saved before water baptism is inconsistent with the text of Acts 10 and 11. You've left out some important facts, friend. Please reread it again and answer this:

(a) An angel told Cornelius that Peter "will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved." (Acts 11:13-14). The angel said Simon Peter will "tell you what you must do." (Acts 10:6). Cornelius and his household were ready to hear Peter's commands (Acts 10:33).
(b) The only thing Peter commanded them to do was to be baptized. (Acts 2:47-48).
(c) Therefore, when Cornelius did what Peter said and was baptized, he was saved.


Peter did tell Cornelius’ household what they must do, Peter told them they have to believe to receive remission of sins (Acts 10:43). Cornelius’ household was saved when they received the Holy Spirit God gave them (Acts 10:44).

Romans 8:9 “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.”

Those who do not have the Holy Spirit are not His, those who do have the Holy Spirit belong to God.

paden said:
This was before he finished providing proofs that Jesus is Lord. This was before Cornelius and company came to believe in Jesus. Notice that Peter doesn't mention belief in Jesus until the very end of the sermon.


paden goes as far as to erase verses from the Bible to make it fit his and Johnny’s dogma.

paden says Cornelius' household had not yet heard the gospel paden says they had not been told to believe in Jesus. paden has Peter baptizing non-believers who have not heard the gospel.

paden said...

ok truth prove to me whoever has the holy spirit is saved and has his sins washed away.

Also tell me why peter needed to go if cornelius already believed in God and was a rightous man who had his prayers heard.

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