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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How much do I hate Christmas songs before Thanksgiving?

So earlier today on Facebook I made the following status update...
Chris Knight says that it's TOO EARLY for Christmas music!! Can't we wait until Friday?! If I hear ONE MORE #&@% Christmas song I will brutally murder a kitten. In the name of all that's good and holy, THINK OF THE KITTENS!!
My good friend Lee Shelton (who is celebrating his first Thanksgiving as a father this year, congrats Lee!) read that, and decided that I was not nearly vehement enough about that sentiment.

And so, Lee made the following visual reinforcement...

Lee, next year I'm going to go around all month of November wearing a t-shirt with that graphic on it :-P


Anonymous said...

You think THAT'S bad? At least in the US, you have a general guideline of playing Christmas music after Thanksgiving... which in your case, is near the end of November. In Canada, the Christmas displays and music go up as soon as we're done Halloween! [Seeing as our Thanksgiving is before Halloween.] That's ALL of November with Christmas being blantantly exploited in our faces. XD


PapaBear007 said...

Acutally here in the US christmas vendors and candy pop up like the day after Halloween in our Grocery Stores.

PapaBear007 said...

Nice I would wear one those t-shirts too bro

Jenna St.Hilaire said...

That is one of the funniest things I've heard or seen all week. Lou and I laughed our heads off.

Happy Thanksgiving. :)

Todd W in NC said...

I actually have a neighbor who put up outdor Christmas decorations last weekend. To make things worse, those decorations play Christmas music almost constantly in the evening.

If my house is quiet, I can hear the Christmas songs across the street and two houses down. I'd hate do be right next door to them.

Unknown said...

Wear such a t-shirt and you can no longer be my friend.

Chris Knight said...

Awww c'mon: you know that I'd never do anything to encourage animal cruelty :-) But you've got to admit: the "Christmas season before it's Christmas season" thing has gotten WAY out of hand.

Fercryinoutloud, Costco was putting Christmas stuff out before Labor Day this year! :-\ Believer in capitalism though I am, stuff like this just makes the year go by that much faster than it needs to go.