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Monday, December 07, 2009

Had enough of Johnny Robertson? Not enough apparently...

This blog hasn't had much to report on local cult leader/pathological liar/convicted felon/public menace Johnny Robertson lately. Been almost a month since I posted anything new.

This next item though is sufficiently wacky enough that it screams to be talked about.

Some people have been writing to let me know that Johnny Robertson and all of his followers (those being James Oldfield, Micah Robertson "The Lesser" and Mark McMinnis) have been conspicuously absent from the airwaves of local television station WGSR in recent weeks. Instead What Does the Bible Say? and A Word from the Lord (AKA "The Martinsville Taliban Show" and "A Word from James Oldfield") have been in reruns, one of which was Oldfield's two-hour spiel about why it's a sin to place money in the Salvation Army kettles. That particular screed prompted one person known to this writer to make a fifty dollar contribution to the Salvation Army on behalf of James Oldfield, but I digress...

So, wanna know where Johnny Robertson and his crew are?

Siddown. Y'all ain't gonna buh-leeeeve this one.

Robertson and his cronies are currently on a madcap dash around the country visiting the few other gatherings of their "Church of Christ" cult (which again, has nothing at all to do with the mainstream Churches of Christ) in a bid to raise money for more airtime on WGSR.

But wait: it gets better...

Currently, the "Church of Christ" cult broadcasts for four and a half hours each week on WGSR out of Martinsville, Virginia and Reidsville, North Carolina.

Johnny Robertson has decided that this isn't enough "information" (which approximately consists of 50% bragging about himself, 40% harassing other people and churches and 10% sloppy PowerPoint presentations and 0% about Jesus Christ).

So now he is attempting to raise funds to purchase TWENTY-FOUR HOURS OF AIRTIME PER WEEK!

That is about 3 and a half hours per day that Robertson and his co-villains will be attempting to fill with god-knows-what (not God that is, but the god of this world that Robertson and his cronies serve and commit evil for).

Wouldn't surprise me if Robertson ordered what few followers he still has to ramp up their attacks and intimidation tactics of innocent people and church congregations around here. Maybe even going as far as harassing Greensboro, Burlington and Winston-Salem since Robertson is apparently goading WGSR general manager/personal stooge Charles Roark toward expanding into those markets...

...But that also means that this blog will be expecting a lot more traffic in the near future as people start Goggle-ing about Johnny Robertson, "Martinsville Church of Christ" and the like as more begin to discover the brazenly unethical behavior coming out of WGSR and its current management.

Twenty-four hours per week? I don't know of any politician who's that conceited...


Anonymous said...

He thinks people are going to watch that much of him? Good God! Johnny is insane!

Sheldon T said...

I am CoC most of my life. Johnny Robertson is not CoC. He spoke at our church one evening when we didn't fully know what he was about. We made him leave before he could finish because he was so sick minded and wicked. You need to emphasize that Johnny Robertson and Heath Paden are not Church of Christ period! They belong to the Ketcherside, Sommer, Campbell movement that is false doctrine and damning heresy.

Real Answer said...

I debated Johnny before. He is so wrapped up in Churchism and legalism that he is blinded by his own self-righteousness. Sadly, he and his brand of churches of Christ is just an extreme of the majority of Christiandom. Seems all denominations have some legalism that needs to be thrown out. Whether it is a dress code, music preference, Bible version usage, etc. it can all become a law to beat(not literal) the adherents into submission to Christ. Or, at least the proponents think so anyway. "It was for freedom that Christ has set us free." I choose to stay far away from legalism, even the tiniest speck of it. Christ has done to much for me, for me to think that somehow I can do anything pleasing for Him. Keep up your voicing against the churches of Christ(Oldfield,Robertson,Fields) camp.

Anonymous said...

If Johnny Robertson and James Oldfield are gone then who is taking care of the churches in Martinsville and Eden? Aren't Robertson and Oldfield commanded to feed their flocks? Why are Robertson and Oldfield neglecting their charges? Won't God hold them accountable for their negligence?

Chris Knight said...

Anonymous right above: EXCELLENT questions to ask!

I guess the only answer is that Robertson and Oldfield care more about their own egos and wanting to hurt other people, than they care about what few people are in their congregations.

No wonder they're losing members.