100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Knight Shift celebrates ONE MILLION VISITS!!!

As of tonight, February 20th 2010, The Knight Shift has officially hit seven figures...

...because this evening this blog received its ONE MILLIONTH VISITOR!


Took just over six years, nearly 4,000 individual posts about everything from Star Wars to me running for office to restaurant reviews to crazy cult leaders to legal battle with media giants to exploits in filmmaking to travel to religion to cutting-edge science to...

What hasn't this blog and its eclectic proprietor covered in all that time?

Well, it's been a heck of a fun ride. And one million separate visits to what is, admittedly, a personal blog is quite a significant accomplishment. I'm thankful to have had such an audience, and I sincerely mean it when I say that I hope to continue delivering the goods - whatever they happen to be - for a long time to come.

In the meantime, y'all buy a candy bar and pretend I got it for you. And the drinks are on me too :-)


Anonymous said...

"Took just over six years, nearly 4,000 individual posts about everything from Star Wars to me running for office to restaurant reviews to crazy cult leaders to legal battle with media giants to exploits in filmmaking to travel to religion to cutting-edge science to..."

And Ron Price! Don't forget Ron Price! That's how I found your blog and what you did to him made me laugh so hard it hurt!

Congratulations Chris (:

Dustin said...

I loved the story and pictures of you inside the nuclear plant.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Chris! That's a heckuvan accomplishment. May your keyboard continue tapping and the wheels keep on turning until you hit the second mil and beyond.

- an old friend

qemuel said...

Wowzers! Congratulations, broheim!

Lee Shelton said...

Congrats, Chris!