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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obamacare "health care reform" may be voted on today in the House

Obamacare should be sufficient proof that our federal government is "deem 'n pass"-essed.

I demand that Nancy Pelosi give me a lifetime supply of short-sleeve shirts. After all, the Constitution guarantees a "right to bare arms".

Obamacare is going to be a violation of the separation of church and state, because it violates my religious freedom on grounds that I believe that having insurance is a form of gambling.

Okay, seriously...

This will be the absolutely worst legislation passed in Congress in American history, if President Obama gets to sign it.

And incidentally, there is enormously strong historical evidence that socialized medicine would not be the first time that the politicians in Washington have screwed us over with "deem and pass".

(Hint: Google about "Philander Knox").


Anonymous said...

Chris, I can't help but have a feeling that if we had the internet during the Great Depression, we would be having posts just like this about everything FDR did.

Considering we have crap healthcare in everything but speed, and there are some countries with exceptional Universal Healthcare*, I am not at all opposed to this.

*Canada is not included in this statement.

Chris Knight said...

Very few people today realize that almost a decade before the Great Depression, in 1920, the United States went through another depression that was just as severe. How did America get out of that one?

President Harding (who ignored recommendations for "stimulus" that came from future president Herbert Hoover, of all people) slashed government spending and programs.

The country recovered. Better, even.

And then the crash of 1929 hit. And FDR went hogwild with big government and that prolonged the Great Depression.

Our current healthcare system is not perfect by any means. But there's nothing we can do to make it anything close to perfect. We can however do very much to make an imperfect system far more screwy and broken.

More government is not the answer. More government is in fact the problem.

Matt said...

And this new form of healthcare has no possibility to be even better than what we have now?

Chris, our healthcare is broken, controlled by the Insurance Companies and lobbyists. In everything but speed, we have worse healthcare than countries in the third world.

I am in approval of a Universal Healthcare system because looking at the facts, countries that do have a Universal Healthcare system tend to have a populous with longer, healthier lives.

And not all aspects of socialism is evil, Chris. Just like not all aspects of capitalism is good.

Matt said...

An economical philosophy can't be placed under any sort of moral stance. Just like how liberals and conservatives can't be placed under "good" or "evil". Hell, "good and evil" is a myth anyways, just a way for individuals to quickly categorize ideas.

bmovies said...

"And this new form of healthcare has no possibility to be even better than what we have now?"

That is correct. And if you think its bad now, wait until this new form of health care takes full effect. Then you will know the true meaning of the word broken.

"Chris, our healthcare is broken, controlled by the Insurance Companies and lobbyists"

Our healthcare is broken not because of the insurance companies and lobbyists but because government has already stuck its nose in where it doesnt belong before.

"In everything but speed, we have worse healthcare than countries in the third world"

Thats a complete falsehood. For example, we're number one in cancer survival, and so many people come to this country for their health care.

"I am in approval of a Universal Healthcare system because looking at the facts, countries that do have a Universal Healthcare system tend to have a populous with longer, healthier lives"

That has zilch to do with their universal health care systems. It has to do with diets, cultural aspects.

"And not all aspects of socialism is evil, Chris. Just like not all aspects of capitalism is good"

There's nothing good about socialism.

Matt said...

"That is correct. And if you think its bad now, wait until this new form of health care takes full effect. Then you will know the true meaning of the word broken."

Oh, so there is absolutely no possibility for this deeply flawed bill to eventually be ironed out? Chris, that's ridiculous.

"Our healthcare is broken not because of the insurance companies and lobbyists but because government has already stuck its nose in where it doesn't belong before."

They stuck their nose in it because it was broken, Chris.

"Thats a complete falsehood. For example, we're number one in cancer survival, and so many people come to this country for their health care."


"That has zilch to do with their universal health care systems. It has to do with diets, cultural aspects."

Partly due to diets yes, but also partly due to the fact that their countries are willing to help their citizens, instead of leaving them to fend for ourselves.

"There's nothing good about socialism."

Just like there's nothing bad about Capitalism, eh?

Matt said...

Apologies, I thought the poster above was Chris Knight, and not bmovies. Sorry for the confusion.

Argument still stands, though.

bmovies said...

"Just like there's nothing bad about Capitalism, eh?"

No, but a flawed capitalism, even with the bad things in it, is still by far a better system than socialism which is 100 percent flawed.

It was capitalism that created the computer youre typing on. It was capitalism that created the chair you're sitting on. The clothes you;re wearing. The building or house you're living in. The job you've got. The car you drive. Manufactured the tools to build all of that. What has socialism ever do for you?

Matt said...

"What has socialism ever do for you?"

A library I can go to learn without having to pay. A High School. Social Security.

Socialism is not 100% flawed. Nothing is. To say so is just naive and ignorant.