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Sunday, May 01, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!

I guess that means we can finally get rid of the Department of Homeland Security and that unforgivable abomination of bureaucracy called the Transportation Security Administration. Right?


EDIT 11:52 p.m. EST: I will make note of my thankfulness that Bin Laden has finally come to his just desserts, by humbly suggesting that his corpse be given the "Mussolini treatment", culminating in his remains being eternally desecrated by wrapping them in pig skins.

But still: tonight, the United States has won as decisive a victory as could possibly be had against the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks.

Some will say that this presents an opportunity to bring our armed forces home.

I disagree.

Tonight, there is an obligation to bring them home.

A few months shy of the tenth anniversary of the attacks, and we can finally say in all truthfulness, "Mission Accomplished".

If Americans want to feel earnest victory tonight, then we should begin to take a good hard look at what we have lost since 9/11... and resolve to take it back.


Root @ All That's Evil said...


You're totally right. This beheads the al'quaida terrorist network, and should be worth reviewing the military and sociopolitical situation, and begin normalizing the situation stateside. We've spent a decade fighting terrorism, globally.

Danny de Gracia, II said...

Can I wear my shoes and not be intimately touched before traveling now?

Danny de Gracia, II said...

Chris you messed up, instead of posting the video of the overthrow of the Death Star/Palpatine video you should be posting - for appropriate allegorical comparison - the video when the Trade Federation was defeated ...

Chris Knight said...

I'll use THAT clip when Ron Paul or someone else who wants to seriously reduce the size of government gets elected :-)

Danny de Gracia, II said...

Right now I feel like Yoda felt when he dropped the staff, grabbed his heart then later self-banished himself after Order 66 was completed and that intense sorrowful music was playing. OH GOD please have mercy on us. Are we on the same page? lol


Dan the preacher said...

Amen and agreed. Justice served tonight. Let's go home.

Danny de Gracia, II said...

Chris please fly out here and fry me a turkey :( lol ...

Angie R said...

President Obama should bring the troops home. He would win reelection easy if he does the right thing now that there's no more reason for the war.

Ford Fjord said...

Donald Trump is already demanding the death certificate.


Congratulations to our armed forces personnel for making the hit!

Si said...

Unquestionably, Bin Laden had to be put to death as was the desire to see him killled but one thing sticks out though, when does vengeance supercede the process of law? I'm not sympathising, my concern it that this is going to result in some rather unpleasant reprisals.

Si said...

I'm reminded of this quote:

"[Osama] is the face the media have decided to put on terror, but it doesn't mean he's actually running the operation. It's kind of like Kentucky Fried Chicken. Just because the Colonel's picture's on the bucket, doesn't mean he's actually making the chicken" - Rich Hall.

Chris Knight said...

Simon, today I'm not celebrating a death. Instead I am celebrating justice. Bin Laden chose a path of evil and of murder and while there's no denying that at one point he allied himself with the United States, he also did mastermind an attack that killed thousands of people.

My only regret is that his body has apparently been already buried at sea. If it were up to me, I would have given him a "burial at sea" all right...

...by cremating him and dumping the ashes into the septic tank of Short Sugar's Barbecue here in Reidsville! :-P

Si said...

I don't see it as justice Chris, it was vengeance - two bullets to head vengeance.

It may feel good now, but in a couple of days who will really care?

Why would I say that? Well ... The truth is that there is nothing tangible to celebrate, victims have not been resurrected, nothing has or will really change, the war continues ad infinitum, soliders from the US and Britain will still die overseas.

Bin Laden deserved to die, if I believed that hell existed I'd see him scorched for eternity in it but the real justice now will be the truth behind 8 years of war - as Bin Laden wasn't the reason.

The ratio of deployed soliders over the years to apprehend him against those fighting elsewhere is testiment to that.

I'm glad he's dead, but I can't celebrate because radical fundamentalist Islam didn't die with him.

Chris Knight said...

We had every right... and we had a moral obligation even... to bring Osama Bin Laden to justice. Whether in a court of law or - as he chose - a quick and messy death.

That said, I have never seen how the war in Iraq had anything to do with making Bin Laden answer for his crimes.

I can't but believe that we could have apprehended or killed Bin Laden a long time ago already, if we had seriously focused our resources to that very task. That doesn't reflect on the men and women of the armed forces so much as it reflects on the leadership in Washington.