100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Monday, October 10, 2011

It was a weird, WEIRD Saturday night!

So some friends and I went to "Weird Al" Yankovic's show in Charlotte on Saturday night, the latest stop during his new Alpocalypse concert tour.

And not for the first time (actually it's my third and I think Ed's ummm... fourth or fifth?), we got to meet Al :-)

Here's my filmmaking partner "Weird" Ed Woody with Al...

Here is good friend Marissa with Al! Okay, Marissa is, like, one of the most mature eighth graders that you will ever find. But on the trip to Charlotte yesterday she steadily began turning into this whole other person and when Al came out on stage Marissa went totally berzerko!! She is a bigtime Al fan and, well... you can imagine what happened when she got to meet her hero :-)

When we brought her back home at 2 a.m. I warned her father that he was going to see a Marissa that "I didn't know ever existed... but I mean that in a good way! She's just gonna be bouncing off the walls for the next few days" :-P

And finally, here is Yours Truly along with m'lady Kristen (proudly wearing her Nerd shirt which she ordered just for the occasion!) with Al...

Expect a write-up of the concert in the next few days (I'm still recovering/catching up on stuff), which was by far the most electrifying and fun concert that I've ever seen Al perform!


Marc said...

"And not for the first time (actually it's my third and I think Ed's ummm... fourth or fifth?), we got to meet Al :-)"

Is Al going to have to take out a restraining order on you two? :-)

AfterShock said...

Nah, he usually gives us backstage passes....lol

This time we ended up stalking his bus with about 100 other fans to see if we might get to see him and get an autograph. Turned out he is just as pleasant sitting on the steps to his tour bus as he is during the structured and organized backstage process. :)

I for one cannot wait until the next show I get to see. I think this one made my 9th or 10th. :)