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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Occupy Wall Street finally ends as police clear park

Two months after it began with no clear mission, Occupy Wall Street was brought to a conclusion as New York's finest cleared out Zuccotti Park in the wee hours of the morning.

Now all that's left is a "campsite" ridden with disease, drugs, rape and Lord knows what else.

Might I make a suggestion for cleanup, courtesy of a certain Corporal Hicks...

"Nuke the site from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure."


Anonymous said...

SUPERB QUOTE! Agreed 100% with that conclusion Chris. Trouble is, these hipsters would find radiation suits and return anyway.

As an aside, check out the 53% feed on Tumblr, lots of people out there posting there own stories like you did here on the blog.

Jessica Britton said...

Whether you agree or disagree with the protestors Chris, do you really think that's a Christian response?

Chris Knight said...

It wasn't so much a commentary on the protestors, Jessica, as it was on the insanely UNSANITARY conditions that the protestors have created in the park. In fact, pretty much everywhere that they've been.

In the Boy Scouts we have a rule for camping: leave a place better than how it was that you first found it. If the OWS protestors had resolved to do that, they would have had MUCH more respect from people (including me).

"Leave a place better than how you first found it." Not just a good rule for camping, but for life :-)

Jessica Britton said...

It might do you some good to actually visit and talk with some of those protesters, Chris. In many cases, the problems aren't created by them, but by other folks who see an opportunity for begging a free meal and a place to crash. I'll agree that the protesters could do a better job of policing their sites, but your analogy is hardly "leaving it a better place". (I was in the SCA, we had the same rules for our events and campsites.)