And it will be Peter Capaldi who will be the next actor to portray The Doctor on Doctor Who, the BBC announced moments ago:

The always-emotional regeneration will take place during this year's Christmas special, as Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor will pass the torch - and the responsibilities that come with such an iconic role - to Capaldi.
I am hearing nothing but insanely good things about Capaldi. He was mostly recently seen as a W.H.O. doctor in World War Z (no really, he was) but he's most familiar to British audiences for his work on the comedy series The Thick of It.
Interestingly, Capaldi is also the same age - 55 - that William Hartnell was when he first played The Doctor in 1963. I know lots of people who've said that the BBC would never again have an actor over 40 as The Doctor. The choice of Peter Capaldi dashes that but good. Personally, I think it's time for an older actor to once again steer the TARDIS. The Doctor is well over 900 years old and has had to experience and endure so much: an older actor can convey that kind of triumph and tragedy better than a younger man could. All the while maintaining that childlike sense of wonder at the universe that is a hallmark of The Doctor, whatever incarnation he is in.
On Christmas Day, the clock strikes Twelve.
And from this moment on, Peter Capaldi's life will never, ever be the same.
Congrats to Peter Capaldi, and long live the Twelfth Doctor!
Capaldi as the Doctor is bloody genius choice! But he's going to have to remember the Doctor is not like Malcolm Tucker so hell have to keep his language clean lol
James in London
Really enjoyed him in "The Hour" series from BBC which played on BBC America. He was in Series 2 and did a great job. Looking forward to what he brings to The Doctor.
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