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Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Lenten Blogging 2022: Day 8

Last night I found myself enjoying the camaraderie of a local chapter of the Rotary Club.  I've never been to one before, but I have friends and family who have been Rotarians.  They do a lot of good work, like their endeavoring to eliminate polio forever.  They are probably NOT like what Peppermint Patty thinks them to be...

But anyhoo, it was quite a nice evening.  The highlight of which was special guest Bob Dotson.  He had a regular feature on NBC's Today Show called "The American Story" for forty years or so.  Last night Dotson shared some of the stories that he covered in his time crossing the country countless times.  Dotson has a book out now, and he actively maintains his website My American Stories, which is said to contain EVERY story that he has covered.  Yowza!!

Maybe if I get to be an executive type one of these days I can join Rotary.  Seriously, I was the most dressed-down person in the whole place last night.  But what can I say?  I'd just come in from the job and my particular career involves lots of field work.  But my friends insist that I could join the Rotary Club anyway.  We'll see :-P