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Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's "The Shape of Things to Come" as LOST returns tonight

Lost resumes tonight on ABC (at 10 pm, an hour later than previously so remember to bear that in mind) with the first episode completed since work resumed following the writer's strike.

When we last looked in on the Island, Rousseau and Karl had been shot and Alex was pleading for her life with the unknown assailants. I'm pretty confident we can already figure out who these people are. Rumor is that tonight's episode at last brings the start of the full-blown war for control of the Island between Widmore and the Others.

I'm hearing that "The Shape of Things to Come" is going to be a Ben Linus-centric episode.

And in case you haven't heard already, Lost this season received an extra hour from the ABC execs, and the two episodes that would have been otherwise produced for this season will be passed along to the next two. So everything works out.

As often happens, I'll try to post some comments afterward :-)


Geoff Gentry (aka xforce11) said...

10pm too late for me & work. So I'll have to wait until Sat.