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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Chad and Koren: ENGAGED!

As of tonight, this man has no more excuse for not updating his blog.

Back in May I wrote about my quarter-century long friendship with Chad Austin. Two friends see a lot of things in that time. Lots of good times, and bad. You can't avoid the heartbreak... but then there are the moments when you get to rejoice, too. Those rich, beautiful slivers of time that make you glad to be alive and remind you that there is a God who rewards virtue and patience.

Chad Austin is one of the most virtuous people that I have ever known. He has also been one of the most patient. He's always known what it means for him to be happy, and I always knew that he would never settle for second best.

Tonight, he's been rewarded in spades.

As not only his friend but also a brother, it is my supreme honor to be the first to break the news to the world that this evening we get to toast one of those happy moments.

A very short while ago, in Virginia Beach where they ran in the 2008 Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon earlier today, Chad proposed to his girlfriend Koren Borchers.

And Koren said "Of course!"

(I've been in the loop for a few days now, so I already had this graphic ready to roll :-)

Word has reached The Knight Shift that Chad popped the question in real style. He took Koren out to dinner, then they went on a romantic walk along the beach. And that's where Chad, on Koren's birthday, dropped to one knee and asked her to be his bride, and she agreed to his suggestion that maybe it's time they start running as one instead of merely as two.

Y'all have no idea how long I've been waiting to make this post. On the list of things that I've wanted to most write about on this blog, Chad and Koren getting engaged easily comes in at #2 (and #1 hasn't happened... yet). And I've been hoping and praying for much longer than that, for literally years, that I'd get to see this day happen for a friend I've known for almost my entire life.

Chad and Koren, you guys have already been a beautiful couple. And you are going to make a wonderful team of husband and wife. May God bless you today, and all the days that are yet to come.

Dunno how else to close this 'cept to say except, again: CONGRATULATIONS! :-)


Katherine said...

Wow, that sounds like a great proposal! On the beach, on one knee, on her birthday-perfect!!

I don't know them, but they sound great-congrats! :)

Anonymous said...

Couple of wquestions:

How did Koren and Chad first meet, and how long ago was that? How long have they been a couple?

Chris Knight said...

Marc, yesterday (the day they got engaged) was the one-year anniversary of the first time they really hung out together. So it's been exactly a year :-) They met through a running ministry at their church. Koren came to the Raleigh area a little over a year ago from another state with friends, and that's how she and Chad first got together.

There's more, but I'll let Chad share it when he can. I spoke with both of them just before posting this and they are VERY excited! :-)

AfterShock said...

Congratulations are definitely in order for Chad and Koren! May they have many wonderful years together!