And adding insult to injury, Sutton "agreed to allow his moonshining photos and videos and criminal history to be used to further the education and deterrence goals of Project Safe Neighborhoods."
In other words, rather than praising Popcorn Sutton as the living cultural resource that he is, the sons of bastitches from the government are going to force Popcorn to go fully against his unique sense of identity. The lesson here could not be more obvious: "Conform to the state or we will hurt you."
No, I don't have any sympathy for those assholes. If you want to see what is destroying America, look at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents, the judges, and everyone else who has conspired, against an overwhelming tide of public sympathy with Popcorn, to quash him good.
Well, I'm gonna keep the "Free Popcorn Sutton!" icon in the margin of this blog, as ongoing testament against how our own government is all too often the enemy of freedom and liberty. "Change"? My ass!
Am I the only one here is who is completely lost as to why this Popcorn fellow is such a big deal?
Didn't he do something illegal?
Didn't he go over state lines?
I fail to see all of the "Free Popcorn" shenanigans has any relevance, not to mention how he is some "American figure".
Matt, I will grant you that what Popcorn did was "illegal", but that does not mean that what he did was wrong. This is all about government wanting to control something. In the case of moonshining, the government can't stand seeing people producing something without it likewise being a revenue stream for the state.
What a lot of people don't appreciate and maybe don't even realize at all, is that moonshining is not about producing your own alcohol for the heck of it. This is an art that goes back hundreds of years in Appalachia because the alcohol was a needed product. In the days before readily-accessible pharmacies, mountain folk used moonshine as the base ingredient for a lot of home remedies... like cough syrup.
And nobody raised a fuss about it until around the 1920s and 30s, when the government began a vicious propaganda campaign against moonshining: often deriding those who practiced the art as "slack-jawed yokels".
Nothing could have been further from the truth. It takes some sophisticated know-how to build and operate a distillery. And Popcorn Sutton is widely regarded as not only the most classic of the old-style moonshiners still around, but the most safety-conscious too.
He may have "broken the law" (and possibly good sense too, seeing as how most folks believe he should have stuck with moonshinin' in Maggie Valley, North Carolina) but he did not commit some kind of sin or otherwise violate common morality. It's only "wrong" because the state has decreed it to be wrong... and we can talk all day about how many times that governments have done THAT in history.
He was even featured on a History Channel program about moonshine, bootlegging, etc
"Change"? My ass!
Not as pointed as McAuliffe telling the Germans "Nuts!" but still a great quote :)
This couldn't have happened to soon. Popcorn didn't learn his lesson from the first time he was caught. He's no different than any other 'criminal' with a 'criminal record' that keeps getting in trouble while breaking the law. Misplaced sympathy, folks. If you don't like the law, change it; if you can't change it, abide by it; if you can't abide by it, suffer the consequences in silence.
Popcorn is one fine mountain man! I met him and his wife Karen and their infant daughter Skye in 1973 when Popcorn brought her to my house to buy one of my dairy goats! His shine is the only I have ever drunk BECAUSE I KNEW IT WAS SAFE!!! Other shine would poison you AND EVERYONE KNEW IT!! Popcorn became a good friend of mine and we would often go riding in the mountains on his ATV and I still love him and miss him with all my heart!! We hung out together while I was in Nursing school at Western Carolina University and he often came and spent weekends with me to recover when he drank to much of his own shine. Popcorn made the best cornbread I ever ate in his little cabin at his home place in an old cast iron skillet and I have spent many wonderful hours with him in the 1970's and 1980's. I knew back then he could never be tamed by REVENUERS who only wanted to lock him away!!! HOORAY FOR THE FINEST MOUNTAIN MAN OF THEM ALL! MARGARET "MAGGIE" BROWN
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