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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

BIOSHOCK 2: The Uber Edition!

BioShock 2 finally comes out next Tuesday! Don't even think of buggin' me for the next few days after that, 'cuz Lord willing I will be in line before midnight next Monday evening to get my pre-ordered copy and then spend the rest of the week once again immersed in the sub-Atlantic dystopia of Rapture.

We already knew that 2K Games is coming out with a Special Edition of BioShock 2 and in this video 2K community manager Elizabeth Tobey unboxes the whole package. And then she reveals the BioShock 2 Uber Edition.

Make sure you watch the entire video...


Anonymous said...

You know I just realized this, but Big Daddies...are freakin' Cybermen. Shoot, now I want a Doctor Who video game. lol

-Drew M.

Big Sister said...

I can’t wait to play this game! Lucky I pre-ordered it here so I’ll get to play it on Day 1 before everyone else! http://bit.ly/cLlI8x