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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Thinking of doing Lent. Any ideas?

A few years ago I gave up blogging for Lent. It turned out to be an incredibly refreshing experience, and I came back reinvigorated and full of excess creativity.

More than a passing thought had crossed my mind to do it again starting tomorrow. But my friends aren't too keen on the idea. The Knight Shift, it seems, has become "too valuable a source of information".

(I'll let the merits of that argument be an exercise for the reader.)

I'm still considering doing something this Lenten season, however. I'm open to suggestions. What could I give up for the next forty days?

No, I'm not a drinker. And I haven't done drugs since... nevermind :-P


Anonymous said...

I believe in "doing" something for lent. I am not a very emotional person or good at sharing feelings with others. For lent last year, I chose 5 people that I have always wanted to say things to (i.e. I love you, remember when.., etc) I wrote and emailed each of them a very personal emotional letter. It was tough for me, but made a huge difference to those relationships. This year, I am thinking about:
- putting a box in my house and choosing one thing each day to put in it to donate
- volunteering at the local public school, maybe even bringing work home to do for the teachers

Looking forward to reading some other "doing" ideas:)

Jenna St. Hilaire said...

Yeah, I've had a tough time coming up with something this year too.

I liked this article though; it was helpful for me, maybe it'll give you some ideas too. :)

Best wishes for a good Lent!

Chris Knight said...

Great article and it did give me an idea. Think I know what I'm going to do now...

I'm not going to do any "pleasure reading" for the next 40 days, instead using the time ordinarily spent doing that studying scripture.

Lest anyone thinks that's too easy, by my calculations I've read *eighteen* novels in the past six months (an average of three per month). I am a *voracious* reader of fiction, nonfiction, you name it (well not *anything*...)

So this won't be something too hard to endure, but it will be something meaningful still.

(I'm gonna write up a review of Ralph Stanley's autobiography in the next week or so though, which I just finished recently :-)

bmovies said...

"I'm still considering doing something this Lenten season, however. I'm open to suggestions. What could I give up for the next forty days?

No, I'm not a drinker"

That gives me an idea. How about giving up sobriety for 40 days? ;-)