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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Popcorn Sutton's mythic moonshine now on sale. Yes, LEGALLY.

I kept meaning to post an extensive write-up about the Second Annual Popcorn Sutton Acoustic Jam, held in Maggie Valley, North Carolina two months ago. Guess it just sorta collided with some other stuff going on in my life at the time. But I have heard bunches from event organizers who were delighted at the turnout and now, there is serious talk afoot about making it an ongoing yearly festival. Maybe even one taking place across an entire weekend (and in the fall when it would be cooler :-)

Well anyhoo, here's the BIG news of the day, friends and neighbors!

Popcorn Sutton's Tennessee White Whiskey - AKA real honest-to-goodness moonshine - is now being sold in Newport, Tennessee! This is the real deal: made according to Popcorn's very own original recipe with the permission and blessing of his family, which is in a partnership with country music legend Hank Williams Jr. to bring Popcorn's legendary likker to store shelves for legal consumption.

(Longtime readers of this blog can rest assured, that I am already planning to make a border run to get some :-)

Here's the website for Popcorn Sutton's Tennessee White Whiskey, which currently leads only to an e-mail alert sign-up page. But rest assured: the good stuff is being sold as of this evening. That's the word from Popcorn's widow Pam Sutton and now, it is my good pleasure to spread the word :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris
Very Cool. I do look forward t the Popcorn Write up. It was so cool that you came and enjoyed the festival. I turn off the computer early last night I was not feeling up to much with the loss of one of my best friends. I have to say it was a joy to wake up and log into my personal page and see your blog on and see all the people all sharing this blog. I have to share with you on the suggestion you mentioned to the festival director about the event being a weekend event. It is going to be a 2 day event for the 3rd annual tribute. We all sure appreciate you and the interest in this event. We look forward to seeing you before next August though! LOL

Anonymous said...

I live in colorado and want the very best in the world I want to buy some jars of popcorns fine white wiskey how do I get some here in colorado?my info is denisbreedlove@yahoo.com ease get back with me

Anonymous said...

i too would like to buy a jar or two im in vermont is there a way to mail order it you can find me at honkytonkexpress@gmail.com thank you sincerely little jimmy

Anonymous said...

i too would like to buy a few jars of popcorns whiskey . im in vermont is tere away to mail order it honkytonkexpress@gmail.com is my email thank you sincerely little jimmy 1/5/2012

Anonymous said...

Can it be bought over the internet... or would i have to go drive up there either way i want a few jars please contact me with info harborracing@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Can it be bought over the internet... or would i have to go drive up there either way i want a few jars please contact me with info harborracing@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

i to want to buy some popcorns brew i live in north carolina let me know how to order it or what ever massey1987@yahoo.com please let me know thank you have a good day

Anonymous said...

Same here I am I'm Texas don't really want to drive that far looking for mail order info if possible fullthrottle817@hotmail.com

sutton:) said...

I live in south east Oklahoma and too wanna buy some can u get it online? Email me at ashlitunnell@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I too would like to legally purchase a jar of Popcorn Suttons "moonshine" I live in Pa. is there any way to mail oeder it? you can anwser me at veda497@yahoo.com than you

Anonymous said...

can you get it in new jersy yet his was the best!! have not found any as good as his


I want some of POPCORN'S shine TOO!!!
EMAIL me at marksj28@aol.com


I also wand some of POPCORN'S SHINE!!!!

Email me at MARKSJ28@AOL.COM

Anonymous said...

I would like to buy 2 jars of the wiskey to my info is toolj301@yahoo.com so let me no thank you

Tesla82 said...

I am a military member and myself and about 20 of my buddyies want to know how to get ahold of some of popcorns famous shine. We are in California, so please let us know what we need to do inorder to get some. My email is stephantierney1982@gmail.com. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Got a jar today damn good 35$ 750ml same price as bootleg. better quality. Nashville

Bruno said...

celachisr said:
I liked the story of moonshiners. I would like to make a small still in my garage if I can..
I to would like to get my hands on some of Popcorn Sutton's moonshine, after watching that on tv. sorry about Popcorn, I think it would be an honor to meet him and talk.. Send info on how to get some of that .. celaschisr@windstream.net

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI....for all of you leaving your email addresses, you need to do so on their website.

Christopher linked to their website in his last paragraph ("here's the website for Popcorn Sutton's Tennessee White Whiskey). Just select the link and when the page loads to Popcorn Suttons Coming Soon message and his picture, simply hover over the screen and click. It'll send you to their email alert page.

Don't want any of you to miss out!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to buy a case of popcorn's whiskey. Please email me the info.. rockandgina@yahoo.com . I'm in California. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE tell me how I can get some of Popcorns moonshine. E mail me @ sslattery1326@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

yes, like the others, I too would like to purchase a jar of Popcorn's moonshine,we live in Ga. please email me back to let me know where to get this @ tammeybelt@yahoo.com
Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

i also would like to order some ol popcorn mountian dew i live in missouri though how do i order it online email me please at zac.shipers@gmail.com thank

Chad said...

Please let me know how I can get some! lehmanmasonry@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would like to order some of Popcor Suttons White Whiskey. I live in Houston, TX. Please contact me at joeyb0017@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm ignorant, so I'm posting this here like everyone else! Instead of following the published link that guides me to the proper information source for obtaining this legal moonshine, I'm posting it on the blog of a person that has no way to help me other than the information he's already provided. So... Email me at Iamtoolazytoreadandfollowalink@dum-dum.com with the information you provided above.

Juicema8 said...

hey i would also like some jars i live in texas let me know how to get some my email is Juicema8@gmail.com

mark stewart said...

i would like to know the closest place it is sold i live in kentucky, harlan as a matter of fact e mail me at harlancountyboy@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

They say you can get it at a auto parts store not really sure

ollieclyde said...

I really want some jars any info on ordering I live in Texas my brother in law is a manager at a liquor store in friendswood Texas let me know ollieclyde@gmail.com it would be a great seller in Texas

Kristen said...

lol! These comments are cracking me up! People don't know how to read, I guess? Though my favorite comment is Anonymous (9:15pm on 1/5) :)

ATTENTION EVERYONE: Click on the link in the blog post if you really want to get it. Chris doesn't sell the liquor. He doesn't even live in TN!!!

Let's start a bet and see how many more of the same kinds of comments we get here... who thinks it can get up to 100 comments within one week?

Anonymous said...

i stay in florida and really want 2 try this how can i order some

dymond said...

I live in Oregon & would love too order a few
bottles please! dymondv@gmail.com

Ryan said...

One Anonymous said he got some in Nashville. Would like to know where in Nashville.

whiskey love said...

I live in indiana and would like to purchuse some of popcorns white whiskey..could you email me at holeshooter18@gmail.com and let me know how to go about it..thank you..

Robert said...

love to have some here in Dallas Tx, my email cheiftx214@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to purchase some of Popcorn Suttons WHITE WHISKEY!!! I Live in Ky which is not far from TN but traveling is not an option right now please let me know when and how I can purchase it!!! leannegrubbs@yahoo.com Thank you!!!! :)

beardaisy said...

Yes I would love to get my hands on popcorns best liquor, where do I order it, I live in Arizona

me said...

I would also like to get some of this as well. Hope someone can help me out. chriscoulterchriscoulter@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Please email back with info on how I can get a order mailed to California...rubyrose.foryou@yahoo.com...thankyou

Pfcblair said...

Where can i buy some. My email is pfcblair@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I really want some can anyone help my email is pfcblair@gmail.com please

Anonymous said...

I live in New Yok and wd=ould love to buy a jar of popcorn"s whiskey. My email is kwb07@yahoo.com. Please send detao;s

Anonymous said...

I think their hoping someone from local East TN reads this & SENDS IT TO THEM! As like another way, beyond the mailing list... As most everyone knows, local is the only way to get it yet. If anyone does find a way of shipping it out... ;)

Anonymous said...

I got some of popcorns moonshine. IT SUCKS. I live in georgia,I know a thing or two about moonshine. I will never buy any more. There is know way this is popcorn suttons moonshine. Taste is terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I too would like to purchase a jar of Popcorn Suttons "moonshine" I live in WA. is there any way to oeder it? you can anwser me at tallman7892@yahoo.com thank you

catfish mike said...

i also want some of that fine fire water..please contact me at catfishinmike@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I would also like to purchase some of popcorn's shine! Please email Me the details @ njbauer1@hotmail.com. thanks!

Stacie said...

hello would like to get 4 jars how to i get it ????? stacielcushing@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I also would like to purchase some of popcorn suttons moonshine with info email me at fbailey83@gmail.com thanks

Anonymous said...

I also would like to purchase some of popcorn suttons moonshine with info email me at fbailey83@gmail.com thanks

Anonymous said...

I looking to buy a few jars I'm from Philadelphia so anybody could help me out with info on how I can get some my email is rmdredz@yahoo.com thanks

Anonymous said...

I wanna get me a jar of likker, gotta find some!

Anonymous said...

I would love to get a couple of jars? I'm in OHIO. Please e-mail if you know how I can obtain a few jars? horsegroom@sssnet.com
Thanks Mary

Anonymous said...

i would love to order a few jars if possible contact me at craftsfamily@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I'm going to start with my local packies to order this!!! I last had real moonshine when I was 15 in Arkansas. Now up North and on Cape Cod. MUCH older but still got a thrist. ;). Good luck all, keep up the demands. ~SoCo (aka lil Razorback)

Anonymous said...

I would love to get a case of jars. My email is italiano7752@yahoo.com. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.

Anonymous said...

we would love to get some of popcorn suttons famous moonshine. if someone could help please do do !! my e-mail address is mom1sista2@yahoo.com ! thanx can't wait to hear from you !!

Anonymous said...

i called, no distribution outside of tennessee...so its all smugglin outside of TN

Melissa said...

I am not sure if there is a way to buy popcorn's whiskey online We live in Michigan and with the economy so bad its hard to travel now days please if there is a way for us to buy online let us know we would love to try the legendary whiskey he made thank you my contact info is mjpeston84@yahoo.com thanks again

Texanguy2 said...

I want some of this stuff for my dad, he actually met Popcorn once so I bet he'd love some. If you can buy t over the web email me at dobbsgarrett26@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

its on Ebay

Texanguy2 said...

Do you have the eBay link?

Anonymous said...

Lookin to buy 3 Jars if any body can help me out rmdredz@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I wanna buy 2 jars heilman320@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

This isn't popcorn's recipe. It tastes nothing like the original. It's about half the strength at almost twice the price.

-Sevier County native.

Anonymous said...

is there anywhere in north carolina to buy it?

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how to buy some of your white whisky. I live in North Carolina. Please contact me. Pecore_bob@hotmail.com thank-you

Delboy said...

hey, im from ireland and id love to try the famous popcorn suttons whiskey, been irish and a big whiskey lover id really love to no how i can get some.

fyteyno1 said...

Hello there,
I have been following Popcorn also from Scotland and would love to get my hands on a jar or two also but i cant seem to locate anyone who sells online internationally,I have quite an extensive collection of whisky that i have collected over the years but never have i been so excited about getting a bottle of whiskey before,I have suscribed to popcorns site but there is none available to buy.
please help, my email is fyteyno1@aol.com
best regards

Anonymous said...

i would to try some of popcorn moonshine, would you please email me and tell me how to get some. here is my email, rockinj67@yahoo.com.

Anonymous said...

I would like to order two jars. Please contact me at:


Anonymous said...

Can we get it in Canada ?

Anonymous said...

I live in oregon and would love to get some. can you email me how to get some popcorn moonshine. my email is drago_3373@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

i would like some popcorn shine...i live in NY email me at zr2187@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you everyone who left email addresses, I will be sure to send a lot of spam! you DUMDUMS never post your email addresses on a public site!

Blame the moderator for not editing them out!

Chris Knight said...

For one thing, it is not possible to "edit out" remarks within a comment. Not with Blogger as it currently is capable of doing as a platform, anyway...

Secondly, I have tried to maintain a very lenient policy so far as comments go on this site. And it so happens that ALL these inquiries about Popcorn Sutton's 'shine were well within the bounds. I have to operate on the assumption that people leaving comments *do* know that they are leaving them on a public forum for all the world to see and therefore are taking all the risks and responsibilities that come with that.

Anonymous said...

I would love to buy a few jars of popcorns likker!!
Im from belfast in northern ireland
any chance?


Anonymous said...

is it bonded liquer. if so it might be a variation but not the real thing. would like to know.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am looking for white whisky delivered to the uk... Can you help.. Email me :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi my names dollar and im looking for a few gallons of the best white whiskey there is and would love to taste the traditional liquer so if u can ship let me know at t_morissette@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I am looking to purchase some of Popcorn's moonshine for my husband for Christmas can you ship it to me? parkerservicecompany08@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I would like to get Real MoonShine with very high proof like they do on TV MOONSHINERS. Let me know how to get some?

Anonymous said...

Popcorn's widow (Pam) will be in the oldest town of Tennessee tomorrow(Jonesborough). She will be sighing t-shirts and bottles. Between 4 and 6.

Unknown said...

You can purchase a well made copper still from www.rockypointcopperstills.com

Anonymous said...

I have four full ones he made himself have had it for quite a few years. My uncle lived not too far down the road from him. That's about as good a recipe as ever was or ever going to be. Hank jr. He's quite the American patriot he's welcome to half of what I got left if he wants it. This is great news I hadn't heard until I saw this moonshiners show tonight for first time. I don't watch much TV too busy but when I saw show this was first Man I thought of. Popcorn was a Picasso type artist if his trade what a great shiner. I'm sure he's missed a bunch by all who knew him and wish I had that privledge of knowing him myself. I did get to know his work but never knew the man a shame I'm sure I could've met him had I thought the end was coming. Artist and master of his trade

Anonymous said...

Hello i'M Juan, does anyone know how could i get some moonshine. I live in Richmond V.a. would love to get my hands on some good ... Djuan911@aol.com thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi does anybody know where to buy it in europe,or is any company shipping to europe or germany? plz need help im searching for two years now....

my email t.mariachi@web.de