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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Rush Limbaugh is gone

 The very sad word broke a little while ago that Rush Limbaugh passed away earlier today.

I learned more from listening to his show, especially in my late teens and early twenties, than from a lot of other things put together.

Going to forever treasure the audio cassette of when I called into his show in December 1993.  I was nineteen.  I started off the call saying hey to my coworkers at Libby Hill Seafood in Reidsville.  For the next week and a half people kept coming into the place wanting to meet the guy who talked with Rush.

That's my own little anecdote about the life of Rush Hudson Limbaugh III.

Going to pay homage to him with the photo of the time when I first discovered him.  The cover of his bestselling first book.  How I'll always best remember Rush.


Anonymous said...

I was a conservative before I heard Rush, he made me understand that I had been conservative all along and that it was cool to be one. I think most of all he taught me to think for myself and to recognize the absurdity of liberalism especially the leftist media. Rush was a giant among men. He will be missed.

~ Sly

Megan said...

Love Rush! He will be missed :(

Hoch Hecht! said...

I ordered both his books from Amazon tonight. I'd heard of them before but havent read them. They should be here Sunday.

Chris Knight said...

I just checked on Amazon and See, I Told You So (his second book) is a current bestseller!

I own each of them in hardcover. Received The Way Things Ought To Be as a Christmas present in '92. I read that all the way through twice by the time New Years came about.

It crystallized a lot of things that I had believed but like you Sly, I didn't realize that I believed them at first. It was the chapters on environmentalism and abortion that REALLY stuck and held fast with me. Especially the abortion chapter. I can trace my stance on that issue all the way back to Rush's first book.

The first few chapters are hilarious! Talking about how he got started in radio. The bit about Satan speaking on the Slim Whitman album is comedy gold.