100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Guess who will be among the CHILDREN OF EDEN!

Well, this day has seen it all.

I spent most of it working on stuff in my capacity as treasurer for my friend Eric Smith's campaign for North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction. This mostly entailed finishing up the First Quarter Campaign Finance Report. Also had a few errands around town.

When Lisa got home from school I gave her a birthday card and the new Mario Kart Wii (also got another Wii steering controller so that we can race each other :-). Then we went to dinner at the Olive Garden in Burlington, and afterward we got another Wii game at the Best Buy near there. Then came on home and I finished the report, and joined Lisa for some Mario Kart Wii. It was a little after 8 when Johnny called to tell me about the Star Wars-themed Deal or No Deal that was on NBC tonight.

And then about thirty minutes ago, the phone rang again.

Remember two days ago when I auditioned for the Theatre Guild of Rockingham County's production of Children of Eden?

I just received a callback. They offered me a part!

Which I honestly had to wonder (and I even asked the nice girl this) if they had called the wrong number because my singing was, admittedly... off (and that's being way more charitable than I deserve :-)

Anyways, after almost ten years of wanting to be in Children of Eden, my dream is about to come true! I'll be playing the part of Seth, and whether you've seen Children of Eden before or you just read the Bible a lot, you know that Seth is the son that Adam and Eve have after Abel is killed.

As has happened many other times on this blog whenever I've been involved in some kind of project (running for school board, the Transformers score petition, the Viacom/YouTube copyright fiasco, school uniforms etc.) I'll do my best to chronicle what it's like to do a theatrical production like this, especially in case anyone else ever thought about going for a role in a musical ('cuz I believe that everyone should follow their dreams). I'm just glad that for once it gets to be something thoroughly fun that I'll be getting to write about :-)

Okay, I'm off to celebrate. Starting with playing "Generations" from the Children of Eden soundtrack full-blast on our stereo system!

(And thanks to everyone who wished me luck and even kept me in their prayers when I said that I was going to take a stab at this :-)


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I played Adam a few years ago, and it's a great musical - lots of wonderful songs and possibilities. Seth is a good part - especially the scene where he is banished. Good stuff.

Break a leg!

Anonymous said...

Nathan its not Seth whose banished it's Cain. Seth starts the line of good people and after Cain goes away his offspring become the marked bad ones.

Anonymous said...


Jenna St.Hilaire said...

Hey, congratulations! Way to go :-D You'll have to post details as they happen so we who don't live close enough to attend can see something of the goings-on!

Anonymous said...

whoops - you're right, Mindy. my brain was switched off. it's still a good part in a great show!


Anonymous said...

omg. i just glanced at this blog while looking for audition songs. LUCKY YOU! i really wish such a thing would happen to me. i must have gone crazy but i am auditioning today for a musical when i can't even sing a note. i'm terrible. well......we shall see...